Welcome, fellow adventurers and aspiring explorers!

We are Liss and Sheldon, a dynamic duo fueled by the desire to push our limits and create extraordinary experiences for ourselves and our children. Our journey began with a realization that the conventional path we were on wasn't leading us to the fulfilling life we craved. We had dreams of growing our plastering business and pursuing careers, but we always felt like something was missing.

Then, one fateful day at Bucasia Beach Caravan Park, we stumbled upon a community of full-time travelers who had unlocked the secret to a truly fulfilling life. Intrigued by their stories and inspired by their sense of freedom, we dove headfirst into the world of full-time travel with our kids by our side.

Traveling has been the best decision we ever made. It has brought us closer as a family, ignited our passion for exploration, and opened our eyes to the endless possibilities that exist beyond our comfort zone. We've learned that true education extends far beyond the walls of a classroom, and that's where travel schooling comes in.

When we first embarked on this journey, we had no idea that travel schooling would become such a vital part of our lives. We stumbled upon the goldmine of intrinsic education that exists within the realms of travel. It perfectly aligned with our values and provided a holistic approach to learning for our children and fellow travelers we met along the way.

Now, we are thrilled to share our experiences and expertise with you. We have dedicated ourselves to guiding families like yours in all aspects of travel education, so you can embark on your own transformative journey and discover the breathtaking wonders of our world

In our academy, we bring together our firsthand knowledge, practical tips, and emotional connection to help you make informed decisions for your family's adventure. We understand the importance of creating deep and meaningful connections with your loved ones, raising your children in a present and enriching environment, and fostering a love that grows stronger every day.

Join us in our academy or at one of our camps as we empower you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace the unknown, and embark on a life-changing experience with your family by your side.

Together, let's write a new chapter of your story—one filled with wonder, growth, and cherished memories.

With love in our hearts and excitement on the horizon,

Liss and Sheldon

Expert travel enthusiasts & educators



Preparing to Travel School

Inside we share everything you need to know to start your travel schooling journey from legal requirements and exemptions to our favourite resources we use to make learning more fun and engaging for your little learner.

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